Saturday, November 21, 2020

Give Thanks Day 2


Today I give thanks for sewing projects. So many times when I have felt overwhelmed by life the answer to my prayers for help has been to sew. Creative outlets seem to have a calming and balancing power in my life. Grateful I discovered it so many years ago. It has blessed me so much.

From Matthew: I don't recall the last time that I posted, but acting on the prescription and invitation of my spiritual leader to "flood social media with thanks" I wanted to express my gratitude for my family. I recently was away on business and each morning and night, my daughter and/or my son would call to share what's going on in their day and what they were excited about. They were ecstatic when I got home, and what can be better than returning home to find people who love, care, and appreciate you? I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful for family that I haven't heard from in years but can reconnect instantly with. I'm grateful that I can improve my relationships with family endlessly, with effort and attention. Most of all, I'm grateful for my wife who has been by my side for 14 years now, and I look forward to many more.

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