Thursday, November 26, 2020

Give Thanks Day 7 - Thanksgiving


One of the purposes of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is to enable me to have joy. Joy that comes from peace of conscience as I repent of my sins. Joy that comes from hope in the world to come. Joy from overcoming weakness. Joy that comes in comfort from sorrow. Joy that comes from seeing the Lord's hand in my life as I turn my will to Him. Today I want to proclaim my gratitude for the many facets of Christ's atoning sacrifice for me.

From Matthew: With Thanksgiving, obviously family is an easy one to be grateful for, but I've sort of done that already this week. I've also done food items but again, today is a great day for that too. Particularly pie. I like pie. In an attempt to broaden my thankful horizons, I want to thank those who, over many years, have helped me hone a hobby of writing. There have been a few editors, and most particularly Lauren Miles, who has fantastic taste. My wife has been a constant champion and continues to believe there's a future for things I've written. But I suppose what I'm most grateful for is the imagination that I was blessed with, and being woken up in the middle of the night with a good idea. My wife commented that in my books the bad guys lose and the good guys fall in love. She's right. I like happy endings and when things work out. I'm grateful for the belief that for each of us, whether we know it or not, believe it or not, and have no clue when it will, things will work out.

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