Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Give Thanks Day 5


This Spring, BYU magazine included an article entitled, "When Women Don't Speak". The article mentions that when women are kind and caring they aren't taken seriously but when they lead, disagree feely, are assertive, or speak out their likeability suffers. Well, I am getting better at being kind and caring but I have never been at a loss for being assertive or disagreeing freely. And although I may not always be liked for it, I am generally too obtuse to care or even notice. I owe my gratitude today to my parents who always taught me to speak up, gave me space for my opinion, and modeled the kind of environment where women speak and make positive differences. Thank you for raising four VERY strong daughters and four sons who appreciate the strength in their wives.

From Matthew: It's 7:52 and I just finished work for the day. They aren't all this long and I feel like I've been Zoomed nearly to death, but I'm grateful for work, for colleagues that I get to work with and that slowly (sometimes incredibly, painfully, agonizingly slowly), we make progress. I work in a unique industry at a time in the US when infrastructure projects are difficult, expensive, and cause a lot of angst, but I'm grateful for the struggle and patience it teaches me. I don't always feel grateful about work, but when I do, I don't mind admitting it.

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