Saturday, November 28, 2020

Give Thanks Day 8

From Matthew: Today I'm grateful I didn't fall off my roof and die as I put up Christmas lights. I typically don't do things like that but this year needed brightening, so I did it. I'd show a picture but I didn't take one and I was so cold after finishing I decided to quick hop in the shower and now I don't want to go outside. I'll get one later. Besides, a picture would probably just be a humblebrag anyway and in your mind you'll be thinking: "Mine are better." Let's let our collective imaginations wonder what I have and how they might compare, and just be glad I didn't do a swan dive off the roof.

🙂 #GiveThanks

Sara edit: I am so thankful for Matthew being willing to put up these lights that make me feel as if we are doing out part to light the little part of the world we live in. And I'm grateful for the #GiveThanks initiative our Church encouraged because it did just what our prophet promised it would do, it healed Matthew's heart and gave him the desire to up our Christmas game this year.

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