Friday, November 26, 2021

After Thanksgiving Adventure

Before I get into what we did the Friday after Thanksgiving, I feel like I should give a shout out to Aaron and Marie to hosting a lovely feast at their house. They have two babies and a toddler so instead of asking them to come to our house, we went to them. A casual, yummy afternoon with food, family and fun games.

The next day, we were invited to join a family friend to go to a rock climbing gym in Portland where we could climb with ropes (the climbing gym in Salem boasts no such appeal). We headed up in the morning, and had so much fun. 

Matthew and I had all sorts of fun climbing. I am ready to go back any day. I was a bit surprised that after the kids' successful climbing this summer they didn't get higher, but they sadly, quickly got blisters, going to have to figure out a solution for that, and were done. Eventually Matthew and I tired out as well and we left to get lunch and further our day out.

The next stop after lunch was Powell's. It feels like we were just there, but if you are going into Portland, you kind of have to - especially since we always need new books to read together as a family.

And then it was over to Moonstruck for shakes before heading back to Salem.

Last stop on the adventure day was a game store. Matthew got a new game and Dude discovered Magic cards. It's not something I want him to get into since I have heard stories of boys spending way too much money investing in them so I told him as much. Later that night Matthew and I received a contract from him asking us to let him spend his money any way he sees fit. After careful review, some discussion as a couple and with him, we amended the contract to add that before he makes any purchase we might not agree with he must consider our reasons against it. With that edit, all parties signed and dated and we now have a much happier child.

It was a big day with way too much money spent, but a fun day I would love see made a new tradition for the day after Thanksgiving.

We also had tons of fun hanging out with Matthew's brother Michael. It was a fun treat having him all to ourselves for the day.

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