Thursday, December 2, 2021

Kid's Covid Vaccine - Shot 2

Yesterday the kids got their second covid vaccine and Matthew and I both got our boosters and a flu shot. So thankful to be done, so thankful that the second one went even more smoothly than the first.

Luca was still nervous about getting the second shot but did so much better at controlling her nerves. It helped that while we were waiting our turn a boy about their age was getting his. This boy was a kidney transplant survivor and was veteran at all things shots. His dad informed the nurse he would be watching a show on his phone during the whole procedure. So genius. We could totally emulate that solid plan. I quickly pulled up a compilation of cute cat videos and directed Luca's attention to it and away from her anxiety. No crying, no tears, she was a super champ. I couldn't believe what a difference it was from the first time around.

Dude was a champ as always, and then Matthew and I got ours. We celebrated with more Mod Pizza and Crumbl cookies. By that evening we were all complaining of sore arms, everyone except Dude. We took some meds and went to bed.

We promised the kids they could stay home today if they were feeling the effects of the vaccine but that if they were feeling well they could go to school and get a special treat for not taking advantage of a lazy day at home. In my mind it was a win-win for them. Dude opted to take a slow start to his day, but when it was evident he was fine I took him to school. Luca initially felt fine enough to go to school, but after a few hours felt awful and was sent home with a fever. Matthew and I both felt tired and not great for most of the day.

But that's ok, because we know that tomorrow we will all feel right as rain and then we can look forward to a bright future filled with holiday gatherings and new year extracurricular activities with so much less worry. Hooray!!

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