Friday, October 31, 2008

A Few Miscellaneous Thoughts

Okay, does everyone remember the post I wrote a month ago about getting pregnant in November? Well, I'm still working towards that goal. I'm taking my folic acid, A LOT of iron, and in a week, I'll take some Robitussin (or at least the Walgreen version). I know this seems odd and maybe even slightly inappropriate, but what I'm asking from you, dear friend and family, is that you say one small prayer in the next couple of weeks on our behalf. Just one small, two second prayer that asks that God grant our family a baby. Mass prayers have worked for us in the past, so I'm counting on it now. So, see what you can do and know that I GREATLY appreciate it.

So that's miscellaneous thought #1. Miscellaneous thought #2 centers around this boy I tutored this past Tuesday over at the high school. I have never seen anyone so dedicated to his school work so absurdly behind. This boy is in 9th grade but, from my completely novice perspective, seemed to be at a 3rd grade math and English level. It was quite painful to watch him working on basic algebra problems but struggle with the even more basic problem of solving 15/3 or 30+13.

I talked to his teacher yesterday and he said he was going to try to get him tested this weekend to see if he has a learning disability and to see just what grade level he is operating at. My heart goes out to this boy and I wish there was something I could do to help him.

I started this post to ask for your advice and if you have any words of wisdom I will gladly take them, but all I can really do is to continue to work with the teacher and tutor him in whatever way I can. So, I guess, miscellaneous thought #2 asks those who've worked in a social worker type capacity what they do when they see sad cases such as this boy. How do you keep yourself from wanting nothing more than to take them under your wing and dedicate all your time to saving them? How do you keep yourself from crying yourself to sleep at night? What would the Savior do? These are questions I am desperately seeking answers for so any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for listening/reading.


Claudia said...

Hi Sara. I just want you to know that I do actually pray for you for the very reason you asked for--I feel so lucky to have gotten pregnant so easily and quickly, and I wonder why you and other friends of mine haven't been so lucky. So don't worry, I'm already on your team! I should have my sister (9th grade English teacher) read this and have her write in her input...I'll get on it now!

Sara said...

You're great Claudia!! Let me know if your sister has any wise advice.

Erin said...

Hey! This is Claudia's sister. I think you are already doing what you need to be doing. Speaking with the teacher was a good step, and if he/she has already taken steps to get tested that is good. You could also speak with someone from the special ed. department to let them know what you have seen/done. The more information the sp.ed. dept. has, the more accurately they can assess his needs. Other then that, a LOT of patience. Keep in contact with his teachers whenever possible so they know what you are working on, you know what he needs most to be working on for the classes, and just love and help him. It sounds like there are some learning issues there if he is working that hard with so sluggish of results, so just keep doing what you are doing. It is wonderful that he has someone like you in his corner!