Sunday, October 12, 2008

I Heart Netflix

Did I really just type that? I heart Netflix? Eeeek. The problem is that I also heart Matthew's new computer. And the two of them together is what we, in the business world, term synergy. The occurrence when 1 + 1 really do equal 3. Honestly never thought I would ever say or type any of that, but it's all true.

Matt and I don't subscribe to any cable and are too lazy to set up bunny ears on our TV. So we end up watching/owning a LOT of movies. Recently Matthew got a new computer with a 22" monitor. 22"!! It's as big as our TV for heaven's sake. And it's in our living room since Matt doesn't want to be exiled to the office every time he wants to use it.

We watched conference on it last Sunday. It was actually really great!! It inspired me to succumb to the lure of Netflix. Especially when I saw that Netflix offers many movies in its selection online for unlimited use. So although we are in one of the lowest pricing groups, I'm sure we use it more than most, thanks to this lovely computer/monitor. That sounds SO lame. Like a shameless plug or something.

When Matt said he wanted to buy a computer I was thinking, something modest, something cheap. But that's not how Matt rolls, at least not when it comes to electronics. So he bought the cool computer with the cool monitor. And when I got Netflix pop up ads on my computer every time I clicked to a new website I wanted to find whoever works there and sock them one. But now I heart them both.

Wow, I can, I jar and I love Netflix. It's amazing how many changes I've gone through since moving to the Wenatch. I'm practically a whole new woman. Visit now before I change too much and become unrecognizable to all who know and love me. (Another shameless plug)


Claudia said...

I heart Netflix, too!

Deanna said...

haha, i've never tried netflix, but Dan and I tend to collect movies too, and partially because we don't get any channels. Don't really want to pay for them, and even if we could get them for free, I don't think we would. :)