Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas 2021

Now that we are all as protected against Coronavirus as we can be we have many opportunities to see family for Christmas traditions. Melissa invited us to her house for Christmas Eve and nativity. Matthew and I were open to going but when we put it to the kids they opted to stay at home. They reasoned that with all the social time they were getting that week they would need a day just for our family. I respected their decision and kind of loved it too. 

Dude asked for one of the simplest meals I make which elicited much cheering when I eagerly said yes (Chicken and Broccoli Pesto Pasta). We got a pie and some cider and decided to really enjoy our day together. Matthew and I especially loved that the movie we had elected to see at the movie theater ended up being on Disney Plus allowing us to stay in jammies ALL DAY. It was such a completely lovely day made so wonderful at joyful together time with my favorite people on earth.

Christmas morning the kids woke up bright and early at 6 but didn't come out of their room until 7:55 - the time they decided would be an acceptable time to start Christmas. Color me impressed at their intense willpower. Matthew and I were both well awake by the time they came to check on us (I had even showered).

The kids did an amazing job at being thankful for everything they received. We had a lovely breakfast and eventually made our way over to my parents' house for an equally lovely afternoon with them, Melissa, Jared and their families. Everyone was happy, food was yummy, and all was perfect in the world.

By the time we got everyone tucked in there was just the faintest hint of snow on the ground. Complete Christmas perfection. 

P.S. When I asked the kids what gift Christ gave them this year both said they were grateful He gave them the Covid Vaccine. Matthew and I agreed and then added we were grateful Christ gave Matthew a new job. 

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