Tuesday, December 21, 2021

School Friend Playdates

I was recently approached by one of the moms of Luca's school friend, via a message sent home, about getting all the girls of their friend group together for a Winter-break playdate. I was game, Luca was SUPER-game, and so all the moms planned an outing.

Meanwhile, Dude has recently gotten into playing Magic the Gathering. He saved up his money, bought some cards (which then inspired Matthew to buy his own) and learned to play. He took them to school for a few days and taught a few friends to play but was quickly squashed by a recess attendant. I guess students aren't allowed to bring in games and toys from home to make it easier for attendants who would have to continually monitor which activities were school appropriate and which items got lost (they do already have an over-flowing lost and found). I get it. But I was so excited for Dude to finally have his own thing to do and his own friend group at school since he really has no outlet in our neighborhood or at church.

But thanks to the example of the mom of Luca's friend I sent Dude to school with notes for the moms of his friends. One of the three responded and so we set up a playdate for him as well. 

I am happy to report that all playdates were successful. Kids had fun, everyone stayed safe and follow up plans are in the works. I am happy for Luca, but I am especially happy for Dude. 

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