Sunday, January 14, 2024

Middle School - by Dude

Middle school started out decent, but it kinda went downhill from there. The first person to show me what middle school is really like was mr. d a grade A turd. I have what they call a bowl cut and that produced a lot of teasing. The halls are always chaotic. At the end of the day there is always a frenzied scramble to leave in an all-engulfing tide called the "wave". once in the hall mr. d turned the "complete idiot" (CE) up to 9 out of 10 and shoved me on my face. it was a miracle I didn't break my nose. Although most of my other middle school experiences have been crappy at lunch I play a game called "stumble guys" with my group of friends. The teachers are fine, they are pretty nice. The workload is not that bad. The only class we get homework is in math. My favorite class is p.e sometimes we do fun things. The only downside is workout wednesday. stuff like math and language arts is a little boring but it is not horrible. The library is pretty good and it has a decent selection. Though I would like a wider selection, the cafeteria is nice. recess is good, there is only basketball and volleyball outside but you get to play computer games inside. That is what I do every day. Overall, my experience with middle school is decent. There are a few things I want to change but it is okay.

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