Saturday, January 13, 2024

Snow Day

Dude' perspective: Today it snowed in our cul de sac. At first I was angry because it was icy snow, but then I realized it was perfect for sledding. Then for the next hour me and my sister went sledding down the hill. Then we went inside for two hours then we went sledding for the next 2 hours we sledded with our friends. We were sledding down our massive hill. We were going so fast. We were sledding until 3:18 when I went inside because my hands felt like they were a couple degrees from frostbite, then about 30 minutes later my friends followed suit. Then we ate bagel bites until they left. Overall it was a great day. but I am hoping that it will snow better next time so we can have a massive snowball fight. until next time It snows I will just have to settle for planning.

Luca's perspective: Today it snowed/freezing rained. When I woke up I looked out the window and saw snow. At first I was disappointed because there didn't seem to be a lot, but then it kept raining and there was a lot of ice snow. The reason why I called it ice snow was because you could see each little particle. But the problem was that it didn't pack well. Say goodbye to snowballs and forts. But it was PERFECT for sledding. We used the neighbors hill because it was safe, big, fun, plus they always let us use it. Somehow I managed to make a dino out of the ice snow. The little neighbors wanted to help make it, but honestly I didn't want them to help, but it's really hard to say no to them. By around 3 o'clock I was ready to be done. So was everyone else. All in all, this was a pretty great snow day.

A few days later, thanks to Martin Luther King Day, and no change in our ice situation, we all made it outside to shovel our driveway, made fun ice art, and went sledding. The sledding was more slipping with reckless abandon than coordinated motion down a hill, but we all had a good, albeit terrifying experience.

Luca's ice designs.

Dude's ice sculpture.

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