Sunday, January 21, 2024


 Oh my goodness. What a day. We started off at church. I won't go into all the very too-much-information-details, but at the end of what was a lovely sacrament meeting, I was in need of a change of  undies. I was trying my best to stay calm and trust that everything would be ok. Oh how grateful I was for all the women from the trip who rushed to my aid. One woman gave me her swim shorts to wear. Imagine giving underwear to someone you had just met. I felt so loved.

Afterwards, we went on a beautiful hike through some woods to a waterfall where we answered a journal prompt to create an "I AM" statement, similar to that of the Young Women's Theme or the Relief Society themes for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I pulled out my patriarchal blessing and my "I AM" statement seemed to jump off the page.

When I was done, I realized that my Heavenly Parents are so excited for me to see myself as the amazing woman described in my blessing.

When we got back to our house, we learned about perfumes, made Lei Po'os and did a photo shoot, to really embrace the inherent beauty in ourselves.

My Lei Po'o. It's not perfect, and that's ok, because I felt like a Hawaiian Queen anyway.

Everyone's Lei Po'os. I love the creativity that came out of everyone.

And then we learned about scents and the chemistry and artistry that goes into the science of making perfumes. It was so fascinating and I left inspired to take more time to allow myself to feel beautiful.

These women, I just barely met make me so very happy and I want them in my life forever.

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