Monday, January 22, 2024


My biggest take away from the day was this: I saw God loving me for me. Trees, rocks, birds have nothing to prove. Nothing to do other than be perfectly who they are. Me filling the measure of my creation is me being my best, authentic, faith, and love-filled self; and letting God do His perfect will through me. I am a vessel. Or in other words, me filling the measure of my creation is not about me doing something. It is about me becoming something and then letting God do Their perfect work through me, not because of me.

We did service today helping an organization with their replanting efforts as they work towards reforesting their island with native plants. The thing I loved most about it was how efficiently 11 women can work. No egos, no trying to get out of a "less desirable" task, just everyone beautifully and selflessly doing whatever needed to be done to get the job done. It was teamwork as dreamwork. We worked so quickly that they had to come up with several additional jobs.

After the service opportunity, we tried to go snorkeling, but the ocean was too tumultuous for it and for our manta ray snorkeling excursion that evening. So instead we made fun bracelets and went shopping. We all bought the same tshirt and most of us bought the same pajama pants. An odd, but fun way to bond with these women on the last full day of our time together.

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